po文清單文章推薦指數: 80 %
- 1「連續的、不間斷的」英文是continual 或continuous?中文意思 ...
continuous 的意思是指「連續不斷的、持續的」,而且這種持續是指一直持續發生的那種持續喔。 下面列出continuous 英文例句與中文意思。 例: Excellence ...
- 2continuous, continual的差別? - 小哲語言學- 痞客邦
continuous和continual作為形容詞都有「持續」的意思, 兩個字有什麼不同呢? 首先從表格來看: 持續、不被打斷.
- 3Continual, continuous 不斷的,持續的- BBC UK China
Both continual and continuous can mean roughly 連續的。 For example: a long and continual war; five y...
- 4What is the difference between constant, continual and ...
You can use constant, continual, and continuous to describe things that happen or exist without s...
- 5continual vs. continuous : Choose Your Words -
Choose Your Words - The words continual and continuous are like twins: they both come from contin...