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Twitter Bans Over 70000 QAnon Accounts in Conspiracy Crackdown2021年1月11日 · Twitter Inc. has permanently suspended more than 70000 accounts dedicated to sharing QAnon-associated conspiracy theory content and ... | Conspiracy Esports (@conspiracygg) | TwitterThe latest Tweets from Conspiracy Esports (@conspiracygg). OCE esports organisation. Powered by @vivateamwear @StreamServers @ ZenGamingLounge ...Bloomberg on Twitter: "Chinese official pushes the conspiracy ...2020年3月13日 · Why do y'all think the PLA are all wearing N95 masks outdoors? You don't think the Chinese know what they're up against? 0 replies ...Going viral: How a single tweet spawned a COVID-19 conspiracy ...2020年7月20日 · In late March of 2020, a few Twitter users started using the hashtag # FilmYourHospital ... To study the propagation of conspiracy theories on social media, we examine the ... Tambuscio, M, Oliveira, DFM, Ciampaglia, GL, et al.陰謀論英文完整相關資訊| 說愛你-2021年6月陰謀論- 維基百科,自由的百科全書- Wikipedia不過中文有時將Conspiracy theory ... ptt註冊2020測) 翻譯為英文Accent ptt?tw英文的「口音ptt?tw」在翻譯中.The Conspiracy of Silence... Book Award Contest and permanently listed on Author on Social media: Author's website: Twitter: ...Routledge Handbook of Conspiracy TheoriesSalinas, S. (2018) 'Twitter permanently bans Alex Jones and Infowars accounts', ... Sherman, D.K. and Cohen, G.L. (2006) 'The psychology of self-defense: ...Twitter Removes Over 70,000 QAnon Accounts - The New York Times2021年1月20日 · SAN FRANCISCO — Twitter on Monday said that it had removed more than 70,000 accounts that promoted the QAnon conspiracy theory in ... | 'Release the Kraken,' a catchphrase for unfounded conspiracy ...2020年11月17日 · A catchphrase winking at an unfounded voter fraud conspiracy in the presidential election trended on Twitter on Tuesday morning as President ... | Disinformation in Open Online Media: Second Multidisciplinary ...Shao, C., Ciampaglia, G.L., Flammini, A., Menczer, F.: Hoaxy: A platform for ... Twitter bots and trolls promote conspiracy theories about Australian bushfires ...
- 1English Translation of “阴谋” | Collins Chinese-English ...
English Translation of “阴谋” | The official Collins Chinese-English Dictionary online. Over 100000...
- 2陰謀論- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
《牛津英語詞典》把陰謀論定義為「將已發生的事或現象視為因既得利益者在背後密謀而導致的一套理論。特別是认为某种隐蔽但有影响力的机构(通常具有政治动机 ...
- 3「陰謀」の英語・英語例文・英語表現 - Weblio和英辞書
陰謀(いんぼう、英:plotあるいはconspiracy)とは、人に知られないように練る計画のこと。 Weblio英和対訳辞書はプログラムで機械的に意味や英語表現を生成し ...
- 4阴谋用英语怎么说_阴谋的英文_沪江英语 - 沪江韩语
阴谋的英文: plot conspiracy. 参考例句:. thwart the enemy's conspiracy 挫败敌人的阴谋; The duke plotted to supplan...
- 5陰謀的英文、陰謀英語翻譯
陰謀 的英文怎麼說. 中文拼音[yīnmóu]. 陰謀英文. plot; scheme; conspiracy. 陰: Ⅰ名詞1 (中國古代哲學認為宇宙中通貫物質和人事的兩大對立面之一) (i...