catch up on sleep中文
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原版英語閱讀:catch up on sleep是“睡回籠覺”“補睡”嗎? - 趣關注2019年6月20日 · 雖然我們可以透過舉一些繼續帶有中文解釋的英語例句學習catch up on sleep的“遣詞造句”使用,但是,英語catch up on sleep究竟是什麼意思,我們是得不 ... tw找sleep over it意思相關社群貼文資訊| 禮物貼文懶人包-2021年10月提供sleep over it意思相關文章,想要了解更多我不小心睡著了英文、oversleep中文、 ... 日· ... › TW › hl=zh-TW【越哥】2010年最感人的韩国电影,看.找sleep out意思相關社群貼文資訊| 禮物貼文懶人包-2021年10月測) 翻譯為中文( 繁體)女人的意圖?gl = tw中文(繁體)的「 女意思?tw」 ...【道地英文】sleep over 不是「睡過頭」!那賴床、起床氣、補眠.Postnatal Growth NeurobiologyPakarinen, A., Hammond, G. L., and Vihko, R., 1979, Serum pregnenolone, ... Prader, A., Tanner, J. M., and von Harnack, G. A., 1963, Catch-up growth ...Child DevelopmentRubin, K. H., Watson, K. S., & Jambor, T. W. (1978). ... Developmental catch-up, and deficit, following adoption after severe global ... Sleep, 20, 185–191.A Concordance to Conrad's The Nigger of the NarcissusThey caught him up , s h oved him into a safe r place , he lo him. ... side - I t w as the stew a r d ... we had to s \ i rig him up like a bale y for he ...Index MedicusHein TW see Gamperl AK M , Neas L , Wichmann HE . ... Comparative phenotypic infants , with special reference to ' catch - up ' growth .Cumulated Index Medicus... GL Moshell AN : Occupational skin disease : basic research advances . ... MD see Wolfe DA Moskovites JP : Jogging : Americans are running to catch up .Stockdale's edition of Shakespeare, with explanatory notesO , ' the foulest deed , to dlay thit bibe , Glo . ... Aliutund , and a son , thou owit to me ,Vo sleep close up that deadly eye of thine , And tilou ...