Python utf-16
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關於「Python utf-16」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:
- 1Python CSV读取中的\ufeff - 简书
按照教程输入好好的,但是结果看一眼比答案貌似多了一个\ufeff,度娘以后,答案如下: 几个概念性的东西ANSCII: 标准的ANSCII 编码只使用7个比特来 ...
- 2Python \ufeff - SYmm 微筆記
DictReader(csvfile) for row in rows: location = row['LC'].lower().find(str1) if location >-1: ...
- 3What is the difference between utf-8 and utf-8-sig? - Stack Overflow
- 4Python 读取文件首行多了"\ufeff"字符串 - CSDN博客
要打开的路径比预期A.txt多了一串字符"\ufeff", 显然无法正确打开文件. 解决方案: 在读取B.txt 时,指定编码方式为"utf-8-sig"即可如下:
- 5unicode - u'\ufeff' in Python string - Stack Overflow
I ran into this on Python 3 and found this question (and solution). When opening a file, Python 3...