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PubMed Help - NIH2021年8月9日 · Click Journals in NCBI Databases on the PubMed homepage. Enter the journal name and click Search. Use the journal search field tag [ta] to limit ... 改版? PubMedPubMed® comprises more than 32 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. 改版? twCombination therapy in hypertension - PubMedThe goal of antihypertensive therapy is to abolish the risks associated with blood pressure (BP) elevation without adversely affecting quality of life. 改版? twStudying expressions of loneliness in individuals using twitter2019年11月4日 · Center for Digital Health, Penn Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, United States. 3 Perelmen School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, ... 改版? Tiotropium in asthma: a systematic review - PubMed2014年2月27日 · Tiotropium may have a beneficial role in moderate to severe persistent asthma despite use of an ICS or ICS and LABA. 改版? twCarotid atherosclerosis is a predictor of coronary calcification in ...However, the validity of this test in chronic haemodialysis patients (HD) is currently uncertain. In the present cross-sectional study, associations between ... 改版? twMapping physician Twitter networks: describing how they work as a ...2014年4月14日 · To increase the dissemination potential, medical groups should develop a more cohesive community of shared followers. 改版? NAFLD may be a common underlying liver disease in patients with ...The incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in the United States is increasing, but the clinical characteristics of American patients with HCC have not ... 改版? tw
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