Prefer than
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【多益必考】prefer 用法我「比較喜歡」 英文怎麼說?=Amanda would rather cook at home than eat at restaurants. S. prefer to V. 後面加either “instead of Ving” or “rather than V.”. | 【超實用句型】「比較喜歡」到底該怎麼說?你可能會搞錯的prefer ...2016年1月25日 · 句型三:Someone prefer to A rather than B.= Someone would rather A than B. 某人喜歡做某事勝過另一件;雖然都有比較的意思,但would rather ... | Tempo | E-Lo on Twitter: "If the majority prefer GL, but they sell us ...If the majority prefer GL, but they sell us raid passes and new legendaries frequently then what are they doing in our inventory? Just wasting space? Fun fact: ...Capgemini on Twitter: "Do customers prefer #InsurTech firms more ...Do customers prefer #InsurTech firms more than incumbents? Pre-register for # WIR17 to find out. 4:55 AM ...Prefer to, prefer than or prefer over? - - TechTargetWhich is correct? Our data shows that a vast majority of customers prefer Brand A ____ Brand B. a. to b. than c. over. Answer: Both A and C are correct. If choice ... twMagento 2 DIYOf course, managing your Twitter profile apart from the web site will not work unless ... There are more than 475 huge companies on Instagram. ... According to recent stats, e-commerce merchants prefer using more hashtags than any ... .com /jasonalvis/magento2-twitter 16 17 146 ...Star Observer Magazine May 2015Each weekend we posta new question on Facebook and Twitter to hand the topic ... I'd prefer an umbrella term and then have the choice ofwhatterms or labels you ... as an example the “gay and lesbian Mardi Gras” is not just for “GL” people.Sophocles: The Plays and Fragments: With Critical Notes, ...... 5 touS' e)(6Lovi crvvrv^ovTa 6 Qvosrwv, os out' ep^as tw\ *ou ti vocr
- 1今天旻澔來跟各位介紹prefer這個動詞的用法,它的名詞就是 ...
=Amanda would rather cook at home than eat at restaurants. S. prefer to V. 後面加either “instead of ...
- 2【多益必考】prefer 用法我「比較喜歡」 英文怎麼說?
would rather
- 3「prefer」的正確用法是?(含例句) – 英文庫
prefer 後面加上“rather than” ,就帶有更強烈的比較語氣,意思是「寧願做A,也不願做B」。比起上面的句型只是表達喜好,用到這個句型還透露了自己對B 的排斥 ...
- 4Prefer - 當代英語文法- 劍橋線上詞典 - Cambridge Dictionary
I'd prefer to go skiing this year rather than go on a beach holiday. When we are talking about ou...
- 5【超實用句型】「比較喜歡」到底該怎麼說?你可能會搞錯的 ...
prefer · 句型一:Someone prefer A. · 句型二:Someone prefer A to/over B. · 句型三:Someone prefer to A rather...