GitLab CI
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關於「GitLab CI」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:
Code Quality | GitLab - GitLab Docsinclude: - template: Code-Quality.gitlab-ci.yml code_quality: artifacts: paths: [gl- code-quality-report.json]. The included code_quality job is running in the test ...Static Application Security Testing (SAST) | GitLab - GitLab DocsThe JSON report file can be downloaded from the CI pipelines page, or the pipelines tab on merge requests by setting artifacts: paths to gl-sast-report.json .Server hooks | GitLab - GitLab DocsDocumentation for GitLab Community Edition, GitLab Enterprise Edition, Omnibus GitLab, and GitLab Runner. ... error messages to either the script's stdout or stderr . Prefix each message with GL-HOOK-ERR: with no characters appearing before the prefix. ... Twitter · Facebook · YouTube · LinkedIn · Docs Repo · About ...Secret Detection | GitLab - GitLab Docs... Detection CI/CD variables to use local Secret Detection analyzer; Troubleshooting; Getting warning message gl-secret-detection-report.json: no matching files ...Deploy tokens | GitLab - GitLab DocsIf a user creates one named gitlab-deploy-token , the username and token of the deploy token is automatically exposed to the CI/CD jobs as CI/CD variables: ...License Compliance | GitLab - GitLab DocsDocumentation for GitLab Community Edition, GitLab Enterprise Edition, ... and the filename to gl-license-scanning-report.json (if you mention it in .gitlab-ci.yml ).How to capitalize on GitLab Security tools with external CI | GitLab2020年7月10日 · How to capitalize on GitLab Security tools with external CI ... cat gl-sast-report. json - apk add jq - export VULNS=$(jq '.vulnerabilities | length' ...Container-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml - GitLab Docs... The results are stored in gl-container-scanning-report.json .How To Set Up Continuous Integration Pipelines with GitLab CI on ...2017年6月23日 · sudo bash /tmp/ Copy. The script will set up your server to use the GitLab maintained repositories. This Status (@gitlabstatus) | TwitterRunner queues have cleared and runners are picking up jobs as usual. We have confirmed the impact from this incident has been mitigated and this incident is ...
- 1功能強大的-- GitLab CI - iT 邦幫忙::一起幫忙解決難題,拯救 ...
GitLab 本身功能非常豐富,加上它又是開源可以自行架設的,通常會是企業選擇版控的首選。後來又追加GitLab CI 與Pipeline 功能,讓它的戰場 ...
- 2Configuring .gitlab-ci.yml | Hacker Noon
- 3GitLab Auto DevOps 深入淺出,自動部署,連設定檔不用 ...
一個可以跑Docker 的GitLab Runner,將會為由它來執行CI / CD 的流程。如果用官方GitLab 預設下可以直接使用官方的shared Runners。
- 4GitLab - CI/CD - Tutorialspoint
- 5Set up Automated CI Systems with GitLab | GitLab