Drop out meaning
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關於「Drop out meaning」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:
- 1Cram Definition & Meaning - Dictionary.com
Cram definition, to fill (something) by force with more than it can easily hold. See more.
- 2Cram definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
If you cram things or people into a place, or if they cram it, there are so many of them in it at...
- 3cram中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
cram verb (LEARN) ... She's cramming for her history exam. 為應付歷史考試她拼命突擊。
- 4CRAM (verb) definition and synonyms - Macmillan Dictionary
cram Definitions and Synonyms · 1. transitive to put people or things into a space that is to...
- 5CRAM在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯
cram的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. to force a lot of things into a small space: 2. to do many ... I was brought up ...