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DNV GL - Oil & Gas on Twitter: "Steve Cargill Receives ...Official DNV GL Twitter feed. We tweet about the ... Steve Cargill Receives Distinguished Achievement Award for Contribution to Dynamic Positioning Industry: ...[PDF] DISTINGUISHED REPRESENTATIONS AND QUADRATIC BASE ...cuspidal automorphic representation of GL(3,EA) which is a base change. Then Π ... mining which cuspidal representations are distinguished is tantamount to finding ... tems of Shalika germs, then there are functions tw. ' w ∈ C(Aw.OTC recognizes DNV GL's Dr. Carl Arne Carlsen with a ...2014年5月4日 · The award is in recognition of his “outstanding, significant and unique ... OTC recognizes DNV GL's Dr. Carl Arne Carlsen with a Distinguished ...Distinguished Professor Yih-Min Wu1991 M. S. , Oceanography, National Taiwan Ocean University. 1999 Ph.D. , Geophysics, National Central University. 1993-2000 Research Technician, Central ...Prasad : On a conjecture of Jacquet about distinguished ...Abstract. In this paper we prove a conjecture of Jacquet about supercuspidal representations of GLn(K) distinguished by GLn(k), or by Un(k), for K a quadratic ...Offen : Residual spectrum of GL2n distinguished by the symplectic ...We determine which automorphic representations of the discrete spectrum ofGL2 n are distinguished by the symplectic group. This concludes a project initiated ...(PDF) Distinguished representations of $GL(n ... - ResearchGateRT] 27 Dec 2012. DISTINGUISHED REPRESENTATIONS OF GL(n, C) ... This result is important since it allows us t o prove that the following two linear forms.Two types of distinguished supercuspidal representations ...Abstract. When π is an irreducible, tame supercuspidal representation of G = GL( n, F), for some p-adic field F, we study the space HomH(n + 1), where H is a ...Distinguished Representations and Quadratic Base Change for GL(3)Suppose that II is an automorphic cuspidal representation of GL(3, EA). We ... define similarly the notion of an automorphic representation distinguished for the ... tems of Shalika germs, then there are functions twj E C(Aw/ ) such that tw = 1 for.圖片全部顯示
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