Be comprised of
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關於「Be comprised of」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:
Comprise | Definition of Comprise by Merriam-WebsterComprise definition is - to be made up of. How to use comprise in a sentence. Did You Know? comprise vs. compose. ... open-dictionary-with-magnifying-glass.Can You Use Comprised Of? Comprised Of vs Composed Of ...'Comprised of' has been in use for centuries, but usage guides in the early 20th century decided it was wrong. It's standard and accepted, but if you want to avoid ...[PDF] Structural Rules for Container Ships - Rules and standards - DNV GLdocument to Germanischer Lloyd or GL shall therefore also be a reference to DNV GL SE ... In general ships are to be made out of normal and higher strength hull ... t c (b t ). = +. ∙. + ∙ - tw. : web thickness [mm] n1. : coefficient, defined as: 1 n.[PDF] DNVGL-RU-SHIP-Pt3Ch1 General principles - Rules and standardsDNV GL rules for classification contain procedural and technical requirements ... For ships with L > 350 m, special consideration shall be made for the wave loads. ... tw, tw-n50 web net thickness of stiffener or primary supporting member mm bf.Terms of Service - YouTubeIt also explains that there are some things we will not be responsible for. Key updates: Our liability. We've made changes to the disclaimers and limitations of ...F‑IV, 4.20 "Comprising" vs. "consisting of" - Guidelines for Examination2019年10月1日 · A claim directed to an apparatus/method/product "comprising" certain features is interpreted as meaning that it includes those features, but that ...Form S-1 - SEC.govThis is an initial public offering of shares of common stock of Twitter, Inc. ... The Internet and digitization have allowed for virtually all content to be made available ...Allianz Global Investors | HomeGoogle is collecting information about your interaction with this Twitter by ... Allianz Global Investors is comprised of the AllianzGI Affiliated Entities worldwide.comprise OR be comprised of? | Vocabulary | EnglishClubCOMPRISE and BE COMPRISED OF both mean consist of or be made up of. Examples: This book comprises 20 pages. The house is comprised of five rooms.【懶人包】Tandem - 日本打工度假攻略-20200722Google - YouTube › user › Google › TW ... doiA tandem time-of-flight (TOF-TOF) mass spectrometer comprised of two ion mirrors is .