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Mood, Misattribution, and Judgments of Well-Being - ResearchGateThe data suggest that (a) people use their momentary affective states in making judgments of how ... Two. experiments. investigated. whether. judgments.AFFECTIVE GUIDANCE OF INTELLIGENT AGENTS: How Emotion ...However, moods and emotions can be usefully defined simply as “affective states. ... [Google Scholar]; Clore GL, Huntsinger J. Feelings as information for ... tw | twHow Affective Arousal Influences Judgments, Learning, and Memory2008年8月6日 · Affective Arousal as Information: How Affective Arousal Influences ... Ortony A, Clore GL, Collins A. The Cognitive Structure of Emotions. tw | twAffective Neuroscience - Noba ProjectThis module provides a brief overview of the neuroscience of emotion. ... [Image: Waag Society,, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0, ...Opposing Influences of Affective State Valence on Visual Cortical ...2009年6月3日 · Furthermore, affective valence has been hypothesized to exert opposing biases ... Center for Research in Psychophysiology, Gainesville, FL).Emotional Literacy - GL AssessmentEmotional literacy is the term used to describe the ability to understand and express feelings. It involves having self-awareness and recognition of your own ... tw | twSocial Media Marketing: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice: ...To assess Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and Twitter's experience To assess ... FB ≠μ GL ≠ μ LN ≠ = μ TW where μ FB : Mean value of FaceBook Experience μ GL ...Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Affective and Semantic Valence Among ...2021年7月13日 · As an important dimension of emotional assessment, valence can refer to affective valence reflecting an emotional response, or semantic ...The Oxford Handbook of Personality and Social PsychologyPatterns of cognitive appraisal in emotion. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 48, 831–838. Smith, T. W., Glazer, K., Ruiz, J. M., & Gallo, ...Cognition and Emotion: Reviews of Current Research and TheoriesBeyond fear: Rapidspatial orienting toward positive emotional stimuli. Psychological Science, 19,362–370. Buchanan, T.W.(2007).
