po文清單文章推薦指數: 80 %
- 1貧富懸殊的英文單字 - 漢語網
【貧富懸殊】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:extreme disparity between the rich ... 所以根據rajan的說法,貧富懸殊加劇令許多人不安,而政府對此的善意回應最終...
- 2[時事英文] The Wealth Gap in Taiwan... - 藥師+全台藥局、藥房 ...
今天我們來探討日益嚴重的貧富差距議題,學習一下英文吧! ... 貧窮問題英文 · 貧富懸殊加劇英文. [時事英文] The Wealth Gap in Taiwan... 貧富懸殊加劇英文. 相...
- 3貧富差距- English translation - Linguee
Many translated example sentences containing "貧富差距" – English-Chinese dictionary and search engin...
- 4[時事英文] The Wealth Gap in Taiwan... - Facebook
[時事英文] The Wealth Gap in Taiwan 今天我們來探討日益嚴重的貧富差距議題,學習一下英文吧! Today, let's focus on a pressing issu...
- 5[時事英文] The Wealth Gap in Taiwan... - The Bilingual Lens ...
[時事英文] The Wealth Gap in Taiwan 今天我們來探討日益嚴重的貧富差距議題,學習一下英文吧! Today, let's focus on a pressing issu...