犀利in english
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犀利- English translation – LingueeThe warrior's arm posture presents a feeling of confrontation and rush, while his sharp eyes will frighten the enemies before combat. taiwanexcellence.com.tw.犀利in English - What is the meaning of 犀利- Translation ...Chinese English Dictionary. 犀利 Add to My Vocabulary. PinYin xī lì Simplified 犀利 Traditional 犀利. sharp; incisive; penetrating. Chinese meanings. xīlì (武器、 ...犀利| WordReference ForumsHello/大家好, I have a question about meaning of the Chinese expression "犀利 " which I heard on television today. Here is the context: "女: 你 ...Google Play©2020 GoogleSite Terms of ServicePrivacyDevelopersAbout Google|Location: TaiwanLanguage: English (United States)All prices include VAT. By purchasing ...犀利- Translation into English - examples Chinese | Reverso ContextTranslations in context of "犀利" in Chinese-English from Reverso Context: 他们说... 我犀利清醒专注.【背包客最愛】放人鴿子- 自助旅行最佳解答-20200705Ray Du English 阿滴英文https://rayduenglish.com › stoodmeup2015年9月23日· ... 圖片全部顯示食指大动gl 5 05 天麻蒸鸽汤绿色阅读- 食指大动gl TW小说- TW ... 著有:《火人FEUERWEHR》【犀利回不去】隋棠破病放鴿子溫昇豪「像開山刀砍 ...På vei opp - YouTube全台唯一韓黑對決看韓犀利答!【平論無雙】 ... 韓國瑜崩潰喊「唯一支持蔡英文」 ?! 【關鍵 ... 我们的Youtube频道: https://goo.gl/Nae2Kq(記得打開小鈴鐺)【犀利口語:來看看《美國偶像》的評委如何不帶髒字的損人 ...看完之後,只能說:「真的太機車拉~~」 http://goo.gl/IFiK1I. ... 評審西蒙向來以損人不帶髒字為特色,今天就跟著VoiceTube從他那些經典的損人語錄中學習英文!博客來-我在人間的靈界事件簿(口碑紀念版):最叛逆的靈界調查員 ...書名:我在人間的靈界事件簿(口碑紀念版):最叛逆的靈界調查員,最生猛犀利 的靈修祕辛,語言:繁體中文,ISBN:9789866191923,頁數:240,出版社: ...iPhone 5犀利上手... 一′‵'〝下午 945 Gl|三「 DG 『′ 5 匱夏鼻一橫忘顰按住地球選擇輸入法完成{ " 忘糞! ... _con']′tw′r 阿鬥日文 4 雙鯉鍾與憩會圓鹽國菌藺髖 Apple- iosa-使用 ... 英文(澳洲) ′矗 IG )曰蕾菇|廣鬮 l : |黨威重艾一 I l TiOS 6 內建的表情符號鍵盤加入 ...