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将功赎罪的英文怎么说- 沪江英语2012年7月1日 · 将功赎罪的英文: [Literal Meaning] take/merit/atone for/crime to atone for a crime by doing good service [解释] 用功劳补偿罪过。

tw將功贖罪英文 - 查查在線詞典make amends for one's crimes by good deeds; atone for a crime by meritorious actions [service]; atone for one's crimes by a good deed; atone for one's guilt ... | 将功赎罪英文- 英语翻译 - 查查在线词典将功赎罪的英文翻译:[ jiānggōngshúzuí ] make amends for one'…,查阅将功赎罪英文怎么说,将功赎罪的英语读音例句用法和详细解释。

tw將功贖罪的英文怎麼說將功贖罪的英文:[Literal Meaning] take/merit/atone for/crime to atone for a crime by doing good service [解釋] 用功勞補償罪過。

[Expla. | 將功贖罪的英文怎說? 就是redeem... - Facebook - 登录或注册將功贖罪的英文怎說? 就是redeem oneself. 或許我可以取得一個將功贖罪的機會。

I might get a chance to redeem myself. tw將功贖罪 - Websaru線上字典將功贖罪英文翻譯: 將功贖罪[jiānggōngshúzuì] atone for a crime by ..., 學習將功贖罪發音, 將功贖罪例句盡在WebSaru字典。

| 「將功贖罪」英文翻譯及相關英語詞組- 澳典漢英詞典將功贖罪. 1.atome for a crime by good deeds. 2.redeem sin by meritorous service. 3.atone for a crime by good service. 4.expiate one's crime by good service. | 将功赎罪的英文怎么说 - 百度知道将功赎罪 [词典] make amends for one's crimes by good deeds; atone for a crime by meritorious actions [service]; atone for one's crimes by a good deed; ... tw【每日必看】鹿希派乎麻後首露面!吳宗憲驚喜現身 - Google News3 天前 · 大麻#鹿希派#吳宗憲#呼麻#毒品#責任#魯莽#偵查不公開00:00 吳宗憲現身記者會! 鹿希派:對我的魯莽感到抱歉01:08 "跟報導大致一樣" 鹿希派:警說偵查不 ...[PDF] 教學研究單位評鑑自我評鑑報告書 - 台大法律系- 國立臺灣大學2020年11月30日 · ( https://goo.gl/Qrfg )皆可即時受理學生之需求與建議,後續 ... a) 出版英文期刊與國際接軌,開創臺灣與東亞區域研究 ... Terror in Taiwan.
