OpenGL stencil buffer
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關於「OpenGL stencil buffer」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:
- 1Stencil Test的应用总结
在OpenGL中,写Stencil Buffer的开启与否是通过函数glStencilMask(GLuint mask)设置的,这个函数的参数mask对应Stencil值的各个bit是否允许写入...
- 2OpenGL Programming/Stencil buffer - Wikibooks, open books ...
When you draw something with OpenGL, you see colors on the screen, but keep in mind that there ar...
- 3Stencil Test - OpenGL Wiki
The stencil buffer is an image that uses a stencil image format. The Default Framebuffer may have...
- 4Stencil buffer - Wikipedia
- 5Depth and stencils - OpenGL
The stencil buffer is an optional extension of the depth buffer that gives you more control over ...