
文章推薦指數: 80 %


提早出貨@ nothing but english :: 痞客邦::I need to discuss the date of shipment with you. First, when is the earliest you can ship your goods? As the season in Taiwan for apples is in May, could you ...请提前安排出货这句译成英文怎么译_百度知道2017年12月14日 · 帮助的人:3300万. 我也去答题访问个人页. 关注. 展开全部. 翻译如下 请提前安排出 货. Please arrange shipment in advance. 已赞过 已踩过<. delivery can be made from stock. we supply ...2015 going in advance. ... this product line will discontinued. ...we try to ship the goods as early possible. yandex advance shipment. babylon is season for commodity taiwan market. . curious what are you listening http:>>http://goo.gl/ubVPUd -- Source: 英語島雜誌 ... 提前採取行動,把80%時間用在重要但不緊急的事很多人會把全部心力用在優先 ...B2B 企業英語周一早課:B2B 業務今天來復習用一個業務溝通中常用 ...B2B 企業英語周一早課:B2B 業務今天來復習用一個業務溝通中常用的慣用語"pull in"「提前出貨」 和"push out",「延後出貨」 pull in (the delivery schedule): ...
