Humankind: A Hopeful History, by Rutger Bregman - FT中文网
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Releasing a book with the subtitle “a hopeful history” during a pandemic that has led to thousands of deaths, put millions out of work and ...
- 1人慈:橫跨二十萬年的人性旅程,用更好的視角看待自己電子書
- 2Humankind: A Hopeful History | 誠品線上
從這樣的出發點,作者舉例古今中外諸多知名事件,試圖證明人性並非自私自利,而已利他主義為思考將成為社會改變的動力。現在是重新思考人性的時候了。 'This book must be ...
- 3Humankind: A Hopeful History - 博客來
書名:Humankind: A Hopeful History,原文名稱:人慈:橫跨二十萬年的人性旅程,用更好的視角看待自己,語言:英文,ISBN:9780316498814,頁數:480, ...
- 4Humankind: A Hopeful History, by Rutger Bregman - FT中文网
Releasing a book with the subtitle “a hopeful history” during a pandemic that has led to thousand...
- 5人慈:橫跨二十萬年的人性旅程,用更好的視角看待自己
What makes this such a fantastic read is that it is equal parts fascinating and informative; many...