Online WMV video converter
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Convert your videos to the Microsoft WMV format with this fast and free online converter. Provides optional settings to enhance video material. Alltools Converter Archiveconverter Audioconverter CADconverter Deviceconverter Documentconverter Ebookconverter Hashgenerator Imageconverter Softwareconverter Videoconverter Webserviceconverter Onlinescreenshottools SaveWebsiteAsPDF ScreenshotWebsiteasJPG ScreenshotWebsiteasPNG ScreenshotWebsiteasTIFF Compressdocumentfiles CompressPDF Compressimagefiles CompressJPG CompressPNG Compressvideofiles CompressMP4 ConvertwithOCR ImagetoText PDFToWord ScanToText ConverttoWMV Convertto3G2 Convertto3GP ConverttoAVI ConverttoFLV ConverttoMKV ConverttoMOV ConverttoMP4 ConverttoMPG ConverttoOGV ConverttoWEBM ConverttoWMV Pricing Help EN BahasaIndonesia English Français Deutsch Español Português Pусский TiếngViệt Italiano العربية OnlineWMVvideoconverter WMVConverter DropFileshere ChooseFile EnterURL Dropbox GoogleDrive × Warning:Youreachedthemaximumnumberoffilesforthisfunction! × Warning:Anerrorhasoccurred.Pleasetryagainlater! × Warning:Pleaseaddoneormorefilesabove! × Warning:Pleasewaituntilalluploadsaredone! × Warning:Pleaseenterthemissingpassword(s)! × Warning:Pleaseusethe"Setpassword"buttontosendyourpassword. × Warning:Wrongpassword,pleaseenterthecorrectone! × Warning:Somethingwentwrongwhilesubmittingyourpassword,pleasetryagain. × Warning:Pleaseenteryourfullpassword,emptypasswordsarenotsupported. × Warning:Thepasswordyouenterediscorrectbutitdoesnothavethepermissiontoedityourfile.Pleaseenterthepasswordwiththecorrectpermission. × Warning:Passwordcouldnotbesenttoserver,pleasetryagain! × Warning:Archivesarenotsupportedforthisoperation! Start Addexamplefile OptionalSettings OptionalVideosettings Changescreensize: Width: px Height: px Resizehandling Keepaspectratio Stretchifneeded Donotupscale Addblackbarsifneeded Addwhitebarsifneeded Addblurredimageifneeded Cropimageifneeded Changevideobitrate: kbps Changeframerate: fps(framespersecond) Cutvideo: Enterthetimestampsofwhereyouwanttocutyourvideo.TheformatisHH:MM:SS.HH=hour,MM=minutes,SS=seconds. Example:00:02:23for2minutesand23seconds. to Rotatevideo(clockwise): norotation 90° 180° 270° Mirror/flipvideo:: nochange Fliphorizontally Flipvertically Selectvideocodec: nochange h.264 h.265 mpeg1video mpeg2video mpeg4 nochange msmpeg dx50 xvid mpeg4 h.264 h.265 mjpeg huffyuv nochange mpeg4 h.263 h.264 nochange mpeg4 h.263 h.264 nochange sorenson h.264 screen_video screen_video_3 nochange h.264 h.265 mpeg1video mpeg2video mpeg4 xvid vp8 theora huffyuv nochange h.264 h.265 mpeg1video mpeg2video mpeg4 xvid theora mjpeg nochange vp8 vp9 nochange wmv7 wmv8 nochange mpeg1video mpeg2video Croppixelsfrom: Top: px Bottom: px Left: px Right: px Deinterlacevideo OptionalAudiosettings Changeaudiochannels: nochange Stereo Mono Changeaudioquality: nochange 8kbps 16kbps 24kbps 32kbps 48kbps 56kbps 64kbps 96kbps 112kbps 128kbps 160kbps 192kbps 224kbps 256kbps 320kbps nochange 48kbps 56kbps 64kbps 96kbps 112kbps 128kbps 160kbps 192kbps 224kbps 256kbps 320kbps nochange 56kbps 64kbps 96kbps 112kbps 128kbps 160kbps 192kbps 224kbps 256kbps 320kbps nochange 24kbps 32kbps 48kbps 56kbps 64kbps 96kbps 112kbps 128kbps 160kbps 192kbps 224kbps 256kbps 320kbps Selectaudiocodec: nochange aac mp3 mp2 nochange aac amr_nb nochange aac amr_nb nochange aac mp3 adpcm_ms nochange aac mp3 pcm_u8 pcm_s16_be pcm_s16_le adpcm asao speex nochange aac mp3 vorbis flac nochange aac mp3 pcm_s16_le nochange speex vorbis opus nochange vorbis opus nochange wmav1 wmav2 nochange aac mp3 nochange mp3 mp2 nochange mp3 mp2 nochange mp3 mp2 Normalizeaudio Disableaudiotrack: Selectaudiofrequency: nochange 8000 11025 16000 22050 24000 32000 44100 48000 96000 nochange 8000 11025 16000 22050 24000 32000 44100 48000 96000 nochange 8000 11025 16000 22050 24000 32000 44100 48000 96000 nochange 1000 8000 11025 16000 22050 24000 32000 44100 48000 96000 nochange 8000 11025 16000 22050 24000 32000 44100 48000 96000 nochange 1000 8000 11025 16000 22050 24000 32000 44100 48000 96000 nochange 1000 8000 11025 16000 22050 24000 32000 44100 48000 96000 nochange 16000 22050 24000 32000 44100 48000 nochange 16000 22050 24000 32000 44100 48000 nochange 16000 22050 24000 32000 44100 48000 nochange 1000 8000 11025 16000 22050 24000 32000 44100 48000 nochange 8000 11025 16000 22050 24000 32000 44100 48000 nochange 8000 11025 16000 22050 24000 32000 44100 48000 nochange 8000 11025 16000 22050 24000 32000 44100 48000 Start CreateMicrosoftWMVvideosinhighqualitywiththisonlineWMVconverter.UploadyourvideoorprovideaURLtoafiletostartthefreeWMVconversion.EasilyconvertAVItoWMVwiththisfreeconverter.WMVconversioncanbedonefromover50sourceformats. WeofferforexampleconversionsfromAVItoWMV,MPEG-2toWMV,MKVtoWMV,MOVtoWMV,3GPtoWMV,FLVtoWMVandmuchmore.Justgiveitatryandifitdoesnotworkforyouwearehappytoreceiveamessageviaemailfromyou. Stayconnected: Bookmark Like107k share2k tweet Ratethistool 4.6/5 Youneedtoconvertanddownloadatleast1filetoprovidefeedback Feedbacksent Thankyouforyourvote Converter ConverttoWMV MPGtoWMV MP4toWMV FLVtoWMV MOVtoWMV M4VtoWMV AVItoWMV 3GPtoWMV WEBMtoWMV ConvertfromWMV WMVtoWAV WMVtoMP3 WMVtoMOV WMVtoMP4 WMVtoMPG WMVtoGIF WMVtoAVI Dictionary&FileFormats FileFormat WMV(WindowsMediaVideo) WMViscontainedbytheAdvancedSystemsFormat(ASF)container.ThesefilesoftencontainWindowsMediaVideoandWindowsMediaAudio.WMVcontainedfileshavetheoptionofsupportingdigitalrightsmanagement,preventingusersfromcopyingtheinf... ReadMore Selectadownloader Specifyadownloaderthatfitsyourtask Default file website screenshot pdf OK Cancel Pleasewait...
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MP4轉WMV - 免費在線轉換MP4(MPEG-4 Part 14)文件到WMV(Windows Media Video)文件- 在線轉換視頻文件。
- 2【轉檔教學】如何將WMV轉MP4【簡單又快速的方法】 - Movavi
本教學課程說明如何將WMV 轉換成MP4。您可以使用Movavi Video Converter 輕鬆轉換任何多媒體格式。
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MP4 to WMV Converter enables you convert MP4 (H.264 or MPEG-4 Part 10 ) to WMV video . WMV (Windo...
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Convert your videos to the Microsoft WMV format with this fast and free online converter. Provide...
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